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Post# E87866

01 Jan, 23 - 01 Jan, 24
First Quarter of 2023 in Asia- Pacific Alkyl Amine Prices (New York)

Posted on: Monday, 26 June, 2023  05:34
Updated On: Monday, 26 June, 2023  05:34
Expires On: Sunday, 22 March, 2026  11:34
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The first quarter of 2023 proved to be a turbulent time for the US market's Alkyl Amine prices. Mixed sentiments were observed as the price of the product experienced fluctuations. In the initial month of the quarter, the price increased due to a scarcity of supply in the country. However, the demand from the downstream agriculture sector and polymer industry was commendable. In February, the price remained stable due to a balance between the demand and supply in the US market. Unfortunately, March saw a decline in the price of Alkyl Amine. The decrease was in line with the trend of its feedstock Ammonia, whose price fell by roughly 33% this month. Despite an oversupply of the product in the international market, low global demand pushed the feedstock Ammonia prices down, further impacting the price of Alkyl Amine.

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